A blog about my landscape image making. On landscape imaging in general, bits of history and related disciplines (Architecture, Geography, Neuro Science, Philosophy and whatever happens to get my attention)
Fondovalle. Motocross field

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God, that's a terrible sight,isn't it? Conflicts over land use often seem to be staged between "natives" and "incomers", with the natives usually on what (I presume) we would consider the "wrong" side.
I'll never forget the first time I encountered a 4x4 coming towards me at high speed on a "green lane" in Wales. But the driver was a local farmer, letting off steam with some off-road action, and I was just a tourist, enjoying a break from urban chaos.
It does take an effort of imagination to see a marshy field as a precious habitat, rather than just an underused resource. Ask the Dutch! ;)
and just a kilometer south another one (in the bordering village) appeared a couple of months ago.
Here we are speaking of five to ten individuals, insiders, taking fun.
I do not like in general to blame things. In this case, however, my feelings are a bit to much tied to the view.
A thing that I have learned is that frequently locals to places having poor soils happen to hate their land, even if they wont admit it. Its a generational attitude. People here still remembers the poor pre postindustrial (there's never been a properly industrial one) times. I suppose that, in different times, it happened almost every where in our Western world.
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