I will go on publishing some more pictures from Corsica till I get a solution, or take a decision, on how to present the pictures taken in the Alps. This time I've mostly reasoned in terms of closed theme to be presented in a sequence. A sequence (or slideshow if you prefer) is not well suited as a content for the blog format and the editing time it requires slows down the posting rate. Fortunately in recent times it seems that the required blog post frequency is getting a bit less hysteric. Perhaps tools like facebook or twitter are getting better suited for compulsive Internetters. Producing content still requires time :-D
Tell me about it, Mauro. I've still not managed to put together much of anything from our week vacation which ended more than two weeks ago. What this tells me is that I'm not much of a writer.
Kent when it comes to photography writing is not not of much interest even if it is needed for indexing purposes. I would say that writing is an optional for a photoblog, pictures are not.
You're right, and yet... For some reason I feel the need to write something, since I don't have much of an objective, as it seems you have here.
The need to communicate is a very basic one for us humans and is evenly distributed in great abundance.
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